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2024 PAC Elections

Miller Grove High School

Dekalb County Schools

Spanish 1 Review

Let’s spend some time reviewing Spanish 1!
1-Where does Spanish come from?
2-Why is it called a “Romance” language?
3-Can you name three other Romance languages?
4-Can you name a fourth?
5-Spanish is the ___most spoken language in the United States.
6-Name the three states where Spanish is most spoken.
7-If Spanish is one of the top four world languages, what are the other 3?
8-English has one definite article; how many does Spanish have and what are they?
9-English has 2 indefinite articles; how many does Spanish have and what are they?
10-What does it mean when we say that Spanish nouns and adjectives have “gender?”
11-How do we identify the gender of a word in Spanish?
12-Are there exceptions to what we answered in #11
13-How do we identify the gender of verbs in Spanish?
14-What is a major difference between vowel sounds in Spanish and English?
15-How many vowels are there in Spanish?
16-What is meant by a “strong vowel” and a “weak vowel?”
17-What is the sound of Spanish “a?”
18-What is the sound of Spanish “e?”
19-What is the sound of Spanish “i?”
20-What is the sound of Spanish “o?”
21-What is the sound of Spanish “u?”
22-Normally In English, when “y” is used as a vowel, Spanish will use the letter___.
23-In Spanish, if a multi-syllable word ends with a vowel, where should the stress, the emphasis, be placed when that word is pronounced?
24-In Spanish, if a multi-syllable word ends with a consonant, where should the stress, the emphasis, be placed? Let’s find 7 examples...
25-In Spanish, when a multi-syllable word has an accent mark over a vowel, where is the stress, the emphasis? Let’s find 7 examples...
26-But what if the Spanish word ends in “n” or “s?” Let’s find 5 examples...
27-What is the only silent letter in Spanish?
28-Which is the least used letter in the Spanish alphabet?
29-Which 2 letters together sound like a “Y?”
30-How do we pronounce the letter ñ?
31-What is the major difference between the pronunciations of “r” and “rr?”
32-True or False: In Spanish, the letter “X” is pronounce forcefully, like Malcolm X___
33-In Spanish, the letter “y” is compatible in sound to the letter___
34-If “biology” ends with a “y” in English, how does it end in Spanish?
35-If geometry” ends with a “y” in English, how does it end in Spanish?
36-If “trigonometry” ends with a “y” in English, how does it end in Spanish?
37-Usually, words that end with “ty” in English, like “city,” “capacity,” “frivolity,” “necessity,” end with___ in Spanish 
38-In Spanish, most words which end with the answer to #37 are (a) masculine; (b) feminine; (c) both; (d) neither
39-In Spanish, the letter “z” is pronounced (a) as a soft z with a mixture of the sound of the letter s; (b) as a hard z, as in “zebra.” (c) either way is correct; (d) neither way is correct
40-Give a major reason why Spanish sounds so fast__
41-What do the following vocabulary words relate to?: la bañera, el excusado, el lavamanos, el jabón, el champú
42-el Jurado, el testigo, el acusador, la abogada, la cárcel, el policía, la pistola
43-el árbol, las flores, la hoja, la violeta, la rosa
44-el fregadero, la estufa, el refrigerador, el horns, el gabinete, el abrelatas, la sartén, 
45-el elegance, el león, el hipopótamo, el rinoceronte, el tigre, el oso, la cebra, el caballo, el burro, la jirafa, la vaca
46-la mesera, el cocinero, la Mesa, la Cuesta, el menú
47-el bombero, la ambulancia, el policía, el paramédico, el carry de bomberos, la escalera, el escape de incendio
48-el vestido, la blusa, la falda, los zapatos de tacón alto, el cinturón, las medias, las pantimedias, las sandalias, el bolso
49-malo, tonto, furioso, aburrida, perezoso, bruto, severo, agresivo, cobarde, arrogante, avaro
50-el deportista, el deporte, la jugadora, el equipo, el partido, la competición, el campeonato, ganar, perder
51-dolor de cabeza, dolor de gargante, dolor de estómago, la ambulancia, el hospital, la enfermera, la médica, la sala de emergencia, alta presión de sangre, 
52-el esposo, la esposa, el hijo, la hija, los hijos, el hermano, la hermana, el padre, la madre, los padres, los primos, los tíos, las tías, los abuelos, los bisabuelos, los nietos, 
53-el equipaje, las maleate, el bolero, el detector de metales, el bolso de mano, 
54-lluvioso, nublafo, nevado, soleado, la temperatura, hace calor, hace frío, hace mal tiempo, hace buen tiempo, hace fresco, helado, con nebluna, hace viento, 
55-bueno, simpätico, amable, sensible, cariñoso, alegre, listo, tímido, serio, correcto, puntual, activo, gracioso, 
56-Greet us
57-tell us your name
58-Tell us where you’re from
59-Tell us something about your physical makeup
60-Tell us about personality
61-Tell us what time it is
62-Tell us what day it is
63-Tell us the date
64-Tell us the month
65-Tell us the year
66-Tell us a relationship you have and what that person’s job is