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School Choice Open Enrollment

Miller Grove High School

Dekalb County Schools


Advanced Placement US History Syllabus



School Year: Fall 2020-21


Course Name

AP U.S. History & Constitutional Theory

Course Code

45.0820001-2 & 45.0550000-1

School Name

Miller Grove HS

Teacher Name

Charmaine Brown

School Phone Number


Teacher Email

[email protected]

School Website

Teacher Website



Course Description

A.P. U.S. History is a course designed to give students a college level experience, while also providing the student with the opportunity to earn college credit by passing the Advanced Placement (AP) examination. This year long history course (spring & fall semester) is intended to provide the student with an understanding of the base upon in which the United States of America was built. (This course is not similar to other 11th Grade U.S. History classes.) Students should learn to assess historical materials in relation to an interpretive problem, weigh their relevance, reliability, importance, and compare how interpretations of events presented in historical scholarship have changed over time. Based upon the evidence, students should develop skills necessary to make informed judgments, and express them clearly and persuasively through various formats, including DBQ and FRQ essays, classroom debates, and assigned projects. The time frame of the course as suggested in the AP® U.S. History Course Description will span from the study of early inhabitants of the Americans up to present day American in conjunction with the various themes in AP U.S. History.


Course Format

This course will prepare students for the Advanced Placement U.S. History Exam held in May 2020. The student is responsible for gaining content information by reading the textbook. Discussions, lectures, notes, articles, research projects, primary and secondary documents, and outside reading books and resources will serve to supplement the textbook.  Also, a great deal of class time will be devoted to writing techniques and strategies useful for constructing Document Based Questions (DBQs), and other Long Essay Questions (LEQ) essay formats. Most importantly, this class will provide students with exposure to the rigorous curriculum of a college level U.S. History course. This course will also fulfill the United States history graduation requirement.


Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, each student will be able to: 


  • Develop skills in discussion, debate, compare/contrast, cause/effect, persuasion, and evaluation
  • Distinguish between primary and secondary sources and validate sources' authenticity, authority, credibility and possible bias.
  • Recognize and explain how different points of view have been influenced by nationalism, race, religion, ethnicity and the climate of the time.
  • Use electronic databases to perform research.
  • Interpret the past by using a variety of maps, charts and documents to explain historical developments. 





Topical Sequence

1st Semester- major topics include pre-Columbian development, transatlantic encounters and colonial beginnings, colonial regional development, revolutionary ideology, constitutional development, Jeffersonian and Jacksonian democracy, 19th century reform movements, Manifest Destiny, Antebellum America, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.  



In addition to the topics listed above, the course will emphasize a series of key themes throughout the year. These themes have been determined by the College Board as essential to a comprehensive study of United States history. The themes will include discussions of diversity and the development of a unique American identity and culture, demographic changes over the course of America’s history, economic trends and transformations in technology and the workplace, issues dealing with both the physical environment and human geography, the development of political institutions and the components of citizenship, social reform movements, the role of religion in the making of the United States and its impact in a multicultural society, the history of slavery and its legacies in this hemisphere, war and diplomacy, and finally, the place of the United States in an increasingly global arena. The course will trace these themes throughout the year, emphasizing the ways in which they are interconnected and examining the ways in which each helps to shape the changes over time that are so important to understanding United States history. 


Throughout the course, students will work on specific reasoning skills as they study each unit. These skills will include an understanding of historical causation, the identification of patterns of continuity and change over time, the ability to compare and contrast historical developments and personalities, and the ability to place historical events and processes into logical contexts.



Curriculum Overview 

The following academic concepts will be covered. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.



Unit  – Period 1: 1491-1607 

Unit  – Period 2: 1607 – 1754 

Unit  – Period 3: 1754 – 1800 

Unit  – Period 4: 1800 – 1848 

Unit  – Period 5: 1844 – 1877 



Online books and/or resources

Kennedy, David M., Elizabeth Cohen, and Thomas Bailey. The American Pageant: A History of the Republic. Houghton Mifflin Co., 2006. 13th Edition



Zinn, Howard. A People's History of the United States. New York: Harper & Row, 1990. Print.


Newman, John J. and Schmalbach, John M. United States History; Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination. Amsco, 2015.


Microsoft Teams

 Visit Microsoft Teams through Launch Pad or phone App

*Synchronous & Asynchronous Instruction

Teams Name: APUSH 2020-2021

AP Classroom Online student access code

Visit AP College Board website.

Enter the following join code:



AP Classroom will be used as a resource to practice, model, and review the content information and skills required by the College Board in preparation for the AP Exam.

*FYI: All AP Classroom assignments will count as a homework grade.


(download app)

Join Code: @bkbf3ag

*will be used as a communication tool for class updates


GRADING SYSTEM: The DeKalb County School District believes that the most important assessment of student learning shall be conducted by the teachers as they observe and evaluate students in the context of ongoing classroom instruction. A variety of approaches, methodologies, and resources shall be used to deliver educational services and to maximize each student’s opportunity to succeed. Teachers shall evaluate student progress, report grades that represent the student’s academic achievement, and communicate official academic progress to students and parents in a timely manner through the electronic grading portal. See Board Policy IHA.




Pre-Assessments - 0%

(Diagnostic Activities)


Assessment During Learning – 25%

(Individual Projects, AP Classroom assignments, homework, Cornell Notes, Class participation activities, etc.)


Guided, Independent, or Group Practice – 45%

(Group projects, debates, Essays, writing activities, and essays)


Summative Assessment or Assessment of Learning– 30%

(Quizzes, Tests, Midterm, & Final Exam)




*Microsoft Teams & AP Classroom- Student assignments will be posted daily online. Make sure to obtain class code in order to create an account. It is your responsibility to keep up with ALL ACTIVITIES & ASSIGNMENTS posted as well as SUBMIT them on time when due.


*Virtual Meetings- All live sessions and virtual meetings will be held on Microsoft Teams.


FYI: Zoom may serve as a backup for technical difficulties)

A             90 – 100                               ~P (pass)

B             80 – 89                                 ~(fail)                

C             71 – 79 

D             70 

F              Below 70


*Please check Infinite Campus for student’s academic progress and attendance in this course. 


  • The APUSH final grade will be weighted and students will receive ½ of a credit for fall semester and ½ for spring semester for a total of one full credit. 
  • Students will receive TWO SEPARATE GRADES at the end of the semester: 1 for APUSH & 1 for Constitutional Theory. 
  • The Constitutional Theory final grade is not weighted, and students will receive a ½ credit for fall semester. (the other half, U.S. & World Affairs will be received at the end of spring semester to complete one credit)








Semester progress reports shall be issued four and a half, nine and thirteen and a half weeks into each semester.  The progress of students shall be evaluated frequently and plans shall be generated to remediate deficiencies as they are discovered. Plans shall include appropriate interventions designed to meet the needs of the students. See Board Policy IH.


Students will not engage in an act of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, providing false information, falsifying school records, forging signatures, or using an unauthorized computer user ID or password. See the Code of Student Conduct - Student Rights and Responsibilities and Character Development Handbook.


*as stated in the DCSS virtual handbook

Student attendance will be a way to ensure that students have the academic and social-emotional support for virtual learning.  Teachers will mark student attendance based upon participation in virtual learning activities such as uploading assignments based upon pre-determined deadlines and participating in synchronous sessions.  

  • Students with technology will be expected to participate in all synchronous and asynchronous activities and earn attendance through VERGE, Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams.     
  • Students without technology will be put on an individual plan as developed by the classroom teacher for additional support and contacted daily via an alternate communication plan.



Student Presence 

  • Attendance will be measured by the full day.  Students are expected to participate in each class. 
  • Attendance is defined as evidence of engagement with the assignment.
  • Attendance can be measured in the following ways (including, but not limited to):
    1. VERGE or Google Classroom check in
    2. Assignments submitted that were due on that day
    3. Questions to answer on VERGE or Google Classroom
    4. Participation in an online discussion
    5. Class participation during synchronous session
    6. Login to synchronous session
    7. Phone call or email with the parent/guardian or related services provider


Student Absence

  • Excused Absence – the parent/guardian contacts the teacher to inform that the student is unable to participate in any activities for the day.
  • Unexcused Absence
    1. The student does not participate in any part of the activities for the day.
    2. The student has not checked in with the teacher.
    3. The student’s parent/guardian does not contact the teacher.


  • Encourage and require the student to participate in all synchronous and asynchronous activities and assignments.
  • Inform the local school designee and teacher of an absence within a 24-hour time period of the absence.
  • Inform the school if something is occurring that is preventing the student from participating in virtual learning.




When a student is absent because of a legal reason as defined by Georgia law or when the absence is apparently beyond the control of the student, the student shall be given an opportunity to earn grade(s) for those days absent. Make-up work must be completed within the designated time allotted. See Board Policy IHEA.

Late and Missing Assignments

*as stated in the DCSS virtual handbook

It is the expectation that students submit assignments in a timely manner.  All assignments will have a pre-determined deadline.  If a student does not complete the assignment by the pre-determined due date, a M will be recorded for the assignment with a score of a zero.     

The student will have three opportunities to complete the assignment after the original due date with a grade penalty.  If there are extenuating circumstances that can be verified, the penalty may not be applied.  The teacher must receive the request for the work within one week of the original deadline.



Assignments: Always place your name, date, and class period in the upper right hand corner of your paper.  Assignments will be returned for rewriting or given a zero if they are not legible.


Class work/Homework:  Class work will consist of lecture notes, reading assignments, writing assignments, group work, computer work, etc. Be sure to adhere to the deadlines given for ALL assignments.  Late work will be penalized with a point deduction at the discretion of the teacher!


Essays/Papers: Written assignments will be given out on a weekly basis. Essays will be assigned and constructed at home and as well as in the classroom.  In preparation for the AP exam, some in-class essays may be timed as well. Also, the scoring guide provided in  AP® U.S. History College Board resources will be utilized to assess DBQs and free response questions. Handwritten essays (final drafts) must be completed in blue or black ink only (no pencil


Tests/Quizzes: You will be given a test at the end of every Unit. Assessment material will cover information presented from readings, lecture notes, handouts, and any other pertinent information. In preparation of the AP exam, the format of each test will be multiple-choice and short answer/essay. Each test will be announced, and you are encouraged to invest your time in order to perform well on tests. Chapter quizzes and Pop-quizzes will be given and it is your responsibility to be prepared for them at any given moment. In addition, you are expected to take these assessments with the class. If you are absent the day before a major test or quiz, you must take the test or quiz the day you return. All assessments will be completed on the Illuminate Assessment Platform.


Midterm/Final Exam: You will be given a mid-term exam that will cover the first 9 weeks of material covered in the course. The Final Exam will be given during the last week of the semester and will be comprehensive.


Projects – You will have major individual projects in addition to group projects. Due dates will be announced well in advance. 


Absences/Make-up work: The structure of this class requires students to attend class daily. It is your responsibility to notify the teacher for work missed. 

*All assignments are considered late if turned in after the teacher has picked up the assignment. As a result, zeros will be allotted for any assignment received after the given due date. 


Computers (Chrome books):   All students must gain access to a computer at home, school, or public library as all assignments are posted online. Assignments can also be accessed with a smart phone. Assigned work and a variety of resources will be posted and referenced to the Internet throughout the semester via Verge, Microsoft Teams, AP Classroom and other technological sources such as Flipgrid and Remind. In addition, software programs such as Office 365 and Google Docs will be utilized regularly during the school year.  


  • Please note: Students without technology will be put on an individual plan as developed by the classroom teacher for additional support to receive assignments.  

*Please be sure to back up any files on whatever computer system you use.  

        Virtual Classroom Etiquette: 

  1. Log On- Use your LEGAL name for attendance purposes.
  2. Be on Time- Have all necessary materials prepared and ready, including technology.
  3. Mute Yourself- Make sure your mic is on mute BEFORE you enter the classroom. Pay attention to your teacher and others who may be speaking.
  4. Participate- Be focused and ACTIVELY participate in independent, cooperative group or whole class activities. Type in comments or questions in the chat or wait for your teacher to call on you. Refrain from electronic devices (cell phones) unless instructed for academic usage.
  5. Be Respectful- No profanity, vulgarity or inappropriate comments. Do not speak when someone else is talking or presenting and respond to others with respect in word and gesture.
  6. Dress appropriately- Please adhere to the dress code criteria as stated in the Student Code of Conduct.


Cheating/Plagiarism:     Cheating will not be tolerated on ANY ASSINGMENTS. Plagiarism is prohibited. Student(s) will receive a ZERO if caught on the 1st offense and the assignment CANNOT BE MADE UP. Second offense will result in a referral to an administrator for further disciplinary action. *If a student allows others to copy his or her work, ALL students involved will be penalized.


Laptop, phone, headphones, 3- ring binder (at least 3 inch), Loose- leaf notebook paper, Pens/pencils, Correction fluid or tape, Post-It Notes, Notecards, Highlighters, & USB flash drive 




Virtual Office Hours: 

Monday- Friday (2:00-4:00 pm)


Extended Learning Times: Tuesday & Friday (9:00-9:40 am)

As built into the virtual learning schedule, this timeframe is an opportunity for students to receive remediation and/or enrichment based upon academic and non-academic expectations.  

Teams Join Code: 5bppziw

TutorialsAvailable by appointment on Wednesdays 

                  Tuesdays & Thursdays (2:00-3:00pm)

Please Note: Extended Learning and tutorial will take place virtually through Microsoft Teams.

*Students are encouraged to form study groups or partners outside of class time in order to prepare for assignments and assessments



As a veteran teacher of DeKalb County Schools, I will do my best to provide a classroom atmosphere that will be conducive to educational challenges, learning opportunities, and academic success. I expect to have your support as we work together to prove every child can learn and succeed.  

  • Parents/Guardians will be able to view all grades and are encouraged to monitor grades through the Parent Assistant. Zeros (M-missing work) earned by students will be posted in Infinite Campus.
  • Teachers will provide three make-up work opportunities to students to complete missed work or improve failed work within a two-week deadline as established by the teacher.
  • Teachers will document contacts to parent/guardian in Infinite Campus.
  • A deficiency report will be provided to parents via email or US mail to the parent/guardian indicating the plan for improvement.
  • Parents will be contacted by email, phone and Remind

 Remind Code: Join Code: @bkbf3ag

*Parent conferences can be scheduled virtually or via phone by appointment only during virtual office hours or Wednesdays.




(homework grade)




Students who choose an Advanced Placement (AP) course must be highly motivated, willing to do outside reading, research and writing, and able to undertake supplemental work on their own initiative.  Since the culminating assessment for an AP course is the AP Examination, all students are expected to take the examination in May.   As a result, the teacher will need to move very intensively through a tremendous amount of material in order to prepare students appropriately.   Therefore, it is imperative that students attend class every day.  If a student must be absent, it is the responsibility of the student to find out what work was missed and to complete the assignments in the designated time frame.

            Since an AP course is a college-level class that may result in a student earning college credit, students must be certain they are ready to meet the challenges of a college curriculum.  They must be organized and self-disciplined, with above average reading and writing skills.  Learning is only successful when students are actively engaged in the process; therefore, the grades they achieve in AP U.S. History will depend on their personal commitment and involvement.

            Parents/guardians should be aware that the rigor of an AP course may impact the time and preparation a student must undertake at home.


  • By registering for APUSH, I am making a commitment for the entire length of the course.  
  • I will complete assignments issued and follow the criteria and guidelines given for said assignments.
  • I will be in class every day and on time.
  • I will put forth maximum effort throughout the entire year in order to be successful.


Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________Date: ________



I have read the syllabus.


Student Signature___________________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________________





Additional information to support continued contact:




Work Phone Number



Cellular Phone Number



Home Phone Number



Email Address



*This form maybe printed, completed, and submitted through email or Microsoft Teams. It can also be completed electronically by submitting a Syllabus Acknowledgment Form. Copy and paste the link below in your web browser: